Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Awesome Amazingly Cool Wishlist Of Twenty Ten

I find these things SO COOL, I plan to get all these items by the end of the year, maybe not all...but it is my goal

 NUMBER ONE  I want this year is.....
A WALLET FROM TODDLAND or some nice one from Coach (but who am I kidding, that's expensive-but nice), you might not have heard of this brand, it is SO retro and in descriptions of products they say "rad" a lot too.
Here's their awesome "rad" website... 
 I think it's BEAUTIFUL, maybe I'm just weird.  It's called the Visitors' Wallet.  These people are geniuses!

500XL speakers from Fred & Friends.  These brands are names of boys..have you noticed? I find that weird.  Anyways this is very innovative and well...awesome.  Anything cool IS awesome to me.  I'm not sure if I really want it, since it is quite expensive but you CAN connect it to your iPod. 

Numéro TROIS
Girls like beauty supplies, and I'm a girl.  Easy math...soo....if you didn't figure it out, I want something volving beauty...therefore leading to not M.A.C. but Victoria Secret.  Victoria Secret has a line of beauty supplies or stuff (like lip gloss and lotions) called Beauty Rush.  OMG these products smell so good, with "Body Drink Lotions" with flavours of Appletini to Candy Baby (Cotton Candy).  There are also Body Mists of the same scents and more, there's nail polish, and lip gloss.  SO PRETTY.  I feel so girly. (BTW did it sound like I was advertising? probably did sorry...I just LOVE Beauty Rush)

 4. It is a little random, but I would like a necklace with a gun.  It seems so rebel or rebellious, it's probably the cheapest of all things on the list but probably the one I want most..strange huh?  Well, it's simple but unique so I love it.

 ANYWAYS, that's my wish list.  I think you guys should do some sort of list for this year too, doesn't matter if it's what you want for your birthday, or things NOT to do, it's still something you can try to achieve.  Plus it helps me take up free time.

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