Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Fairytale Endings?

Life is like a story.
It has it's obstacles and there's not always happy endings.
Like Romeo and Juliet. The story is beautiful and has it's
fairytale-like moments. Like the parts where they sneak
off, talk about forbidden love.
My type of "forbidden love" is falling for my best friend.
You can't seem to tell if that is love like what Romeo and
Juliet have or if it's love as brother and sister. You know
what their perfect "type" is and you're the total opposite.
But there could always be that chance of falling for each
other, well you made it to being his/her best friend right?
The chance of ever dating them could ruin the chance of
being friends again after the break-up. So tell me, what
would be the next move?

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