Saturday, June 12, 2010

Japanese Awesome Stuff

Haha, so remember my favourite picture of the talented Karl Lagerfeld (btw his muse now is my favourite singer, I totally died when I found out, it's Lily Allen).  Well I found a parody of the picture from a website which sells random Japanese stuff.  There was a link to this video of a hair
Here's a picture from the video..
 You know you love the picture, well if you haven't seen the Karl Lagerfeld picture it is.
Is it not absolutely ADORABLE?!

Well if you would like to see the Japanese selling website it is  They sell this chocolate toy keychain that acts as a bubble wrap, but lasts forever.  They also sell these candy that are "food drops" which are hard candy that tastes from squid to noodles to green tea.  There are many strange foods in the Snacks section of the website, I hope you enjoy!